Why Are the Leaves on My Snake Plant Curling? Reasons And Prevents

Why Are the Leaves on My Snake Plant Curling? Reasons And Prevents

Common Causes of Leaf Curl in Snake Plants

Overwatering: By far the most common cause of leaf curl in snake plants is overwatering. Snake plants are succulents designed to thrive with infrequent watering, so too much moisture can damage their roots and cause leaf problems. The leaves start to fold and curl as a way to reduce surface area and moisture loss.

Temperature Extremes: Drastic changes in temperature, especially cold temperatures below 55°F, can cause the leaf tips on snake plants to turn brown and curl inward. Keep snake plants away from drafts, vents and cold windows to avoid temperature stress.

Underwatering: While less common, underwatering can also lead to curled leaves in snake plants. If the soil remains dry for too long, the plant may curl its leaves to conserve moisture. Ensure the soil is moistened thoroughly whenever you water the plant.

Pests: Damage from pests like mealybugs and spider mites can sometimes cause curled leaves in snake plants. Check underneath the leaves for signs of infestation and treat accordingly if needed.

How to Prevent Snake Plant Curling

Snake plants, also known as mother-in-law's tongues, can sometimes develop curled or twisted leaves. This can be caused by a variety of factors, including genetics, environmental conditions, and pests or diseases. Here are some tips to help prevent snake plant curling:

  • Provide bright, indirect light, but avoid direct sunlight, which can scorch the leaves and cause curling.

  • Maintain proper temperature, between 65-75°F (18-24°C) during the day and no lower than 55°F (13°C) at night.

  • Prune regularly to maintain a healthy, bushy plant and prevent overgrowth.

  • Repot when necessary, in the spring or summer using a well-draining potting mix.

  • Check for pests, such as mealybugs, spider mites, and scale, and treat with insecticidal soap or neem oil if necessary.

  • Monitor humidity, as snake plants prefer a relatively low humidity environment, around 40-50%.

  • Provide support, such as a stake or trellis, to help the plant grow upright and prevent the leaves from curling downwards.


Q: How do I fix curled snake plant leaves?
A: The first step is avoiding overwatering going forward. Allow the soil to dry out completely between waterings. Trim any severely curled leaves that are unsightly. Increasing humidity around the plant and moving it to a warmer spot can also help leaves unfurl over time.

Q: Will curled leaves fall off?
A: Curling leaves on snake plants will typically not fall off on their own unless they are severely damaged or unhealthy. However, you can trim away any severely curled leaves that you do not want to keep for aesthetic reasons.


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