Onion Companion Plants for a Healthier Garden

Onion Companion Plants for a Healthier Garden

What Plants Can Grow With Onions

Companion planting can significantly improve the growth and yield of these allium plants. Here are some plants you can refer to grow with onions.


  • Carrots and onions have compatible root systems that do not interfere with each other.

  • Carrots produce chemicals that repel onion flies and other pests that typically target onions.

  • At the same time, onions produce compounds that deter carrot flies from damaging carrot roots.

  • Plant carrot and onion seeds together in the early spring. Space the rows 12 to 18 inches apart and sow the seeds 1 to 2 inches deep.

  • Leave at least 6 to 8 inches between individual onion and carrot plants for optimal growth. Both plants require similar soil and water conditions to thrive.


  • Marigolds release a pungent scent that confuses pests and deter them from feeding on nearby onion plants.

  • Marigold's scent also attracts beneficial insects like ladybugs, lacewings, and tiny wasps that prey on onion insect pests.

  • Plant marigold seeds or seedlings around the border of your onion bed in early spring, spacing the plants 6 to 12 inches apart.

  • Marigolds improve soil health by breaking down rapidly in the garden and adding organic matter to the soil. Their deep roots also help loosen the soil.


  • Chives are an excellent choice to grow alongside onions as they are a related allium crop.

  • Their tall leaves and flowers release compounds that repel onion pests like thrips, bulb flies, and onion maggots.

  • Plus, chives provide you with another edible crop to harvest from your garden!

  • Plant chive seeds or seedlings in early spring between onion rows, spacing both crops 12 to 18 inches apart.

  • Chives prefer the same well-drained, nutrient-rich soil and regular watering as onions. Keep them weed-free and trimmed back.

Benefits of Onion Companion Planting

Onion companion planting is an excellent way to enhance the growth and health of your onions and other vegetables in your garden. Here are some benefits of onion companion planting:

  1. Improved Growth: Onions do well when planted alongside other vegetables that have complementary growing habits. For example, planting onions with beans, peas, or corn provides shade and support for the climbing plants, while the onions benefit from the added nitrogen in the soil.

  2. Pest Control: Certain plants, like marigolds and nasturtiums, repel pests that can harm onions, such as nematodes and whiteflies. Planting these flowers alongside onions can help keep pests away and reduce the need for pesticides.

  3. Disease Prevention: Onions are susceptible to diseases like powdery mildew and root rot. Planting onions with other vegetables that have natural antifungal properties, like garlic and chives, can help prevent these diseases from spreading.

  4. Better Soil Health: Onions benefit from a diverse soil ecosystem. Planting onions with other vegetables that have different nutrient requirements and growth habits can improve soil health by adding organic matter, increasing microbial activity, and reducing soil erosion.

  5. Increased Yield: Onion companion planting can increase the overall yield of your garden. By planting onions with other vegetables that mature at different times, you can extend the harvest season and enjoy a more bountiful crop.

  6. Aesthetic Appeal: Onions can add a unique and attractive element to your garden, especially when planted with other colorful vegetables or flowers. This can make your garden more visually appealing and enjoyable to spend time in.

  7. Companion Planting for Onion Flavor: Certain plants, like tomatoes and cucumbers, can enhance the flavor of onions when planted together. This can add a delicious dimension to your cooking and make your onions even more enjoyable to eat.

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