Grow the Best Spinach: A Simple Guide

Grow the Best Spinach: A Simple Guide

The lush green vegetable spinach (Spinacia oleracea) is an annual that does best in cool climates. Spinach comes in a wide range of appearances and many diverse types. The leaves are frequently smooth and have a medium- to dark-green tint. Spinach plants grow upright and, in warmer conditions, will produce tiny yellow-green blooms on spikes before going to seed. It grows best in the spring or falls when planted in most climates. The following article will help you better understand how to grow spinach.


Growing Spinach Ways

1. For the method of growing seedlings

Plant 10–12 cm between rows and 15 cm from the tree. And when sowing, the seeds should be soaked for 3–4 hours in warm water, boiled for 3–4 hours, and then removed and washed with clean water. The seeds should then be watered, sown, and spaced 7–10 cm apart in rows that are 12 cm apart. Cover the seeds with a 2-inch-thick layer of dirt after sowing them.


2. For seeding method

There are two sowing techniques: thin sowing and pruning leaves to eat them gradually.

Sow the seeds thinly and prune the leaves gradually: Put the soil in the pot, then sow the seeds about 6m deep and the distance between the seeds is 5cm. Then water and place in an area with moderate sun such as a porch or a covered terrace. When the plant sprouts and is about 10-15 cm tall, you can prune the vegetables

Sow thick seeds and harvest young plants: You need to prepare a pot with moist soil to sprinkle the spinach seeds evenly on the ground. Then, place the pot in an area with moderate light similar to how to sow the seeds above.


Caring Spinach

After planting, spinach plants also need to have a suitable fertilization regime: Watering: After sowing spinach seeds, it is necessary to water 1-2 times a day, depending on the weather, climate, and nature. of the land. After the vegetables grow, they must be kept moist regularly. After 10-15 days of plowing combined with weeding. After the first plowing of 10-15 days, rooting and weeding are combined.

When vegetable plants have 2-3 true leaves, growers should spray additional biological organic fertilizers every 7-10 days. It is possible to use organic products or soak worm manure in water at the rate of 1kg of worm manure for 3 liters of water, then filter the water and bring worm manure water to irrigate the plants.

After growing vegetables for 1-2 days, growers start spraying herbal solutions to prevent pests. To prevent pests and diseases, we sprayed once every 7 days, each time mixing 5ml of solution with 1 liter of water to spray 10m2 of vegetables.



When there are 5-7 mature leaves on the tree, they can be harvested. Harvest after 50-60 days of sowing, or after 35-40 days of planting. Pull up the whole tree or use a knife to cut 7-10cm from the root for the plant to sprout again, add worm mulch after each harvest. To plant new vegetables, use pruning to loosen the soil and dry it in 2-3 sunlight. Add a mixture of worm manure and soil to the bucket 2cm from the mouth.


Growing Spinach Questions

1. Can spinach be planted before winter?

The ideal time to plant spinach seeds outside is in the fall for an early spring yield. Beginning in mid-August or mid-September, winter sowing is done. In November, before the arrival of consistently cold weather, seeds must be planted to prevent them from having time to germinate. Fall is a carefree time for plants. The first new shoots will start to emerge in the spring as soon as the snow melts. When compared to planting seeds in the early spring, crops developed using this type of cultivation can be harvested 10 days earlier.

2. How much water is required for spinach?

When it's chilly (in the spring and fall), spinach needs around 1 inch of water every week, but it also needs more. When the temperature warms up for the year, 5 to 1 inch of water is added each week. If you can grow spinach in the summer, try using an irrigation system to water it rather than watering it by hand. Additionally, avoid watering the leaves and go for the root zone.

3. How much sun does spinach need?

Spinach prefers direct sunlight but will also grow in some shade. Add old manure or rich compost to the soil to prepare the planting area. Rake the ground level after mini-tilling or digging it with a spade. Because mature spinach has a long taproot, the soil should be loosened to a depth of 12 to 18 inches.

4. Is it simple to grow spinach?

Planting spinach in the early spring or, in some climates, the fall is an easy and hard process. The dark green leaves of this cool-season crop require an abundance of nitrogen and a temperature range of 50 to 60 degrees Fahrenheit.


Final Thought

Grow and harvest spinach yourself. It's a simple process and gives you a lot of fun. I hope that after referring to our article above, you will grow more spinach.

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