How to Grow and Care for Cyclamen, the Winter Blooming Beauty

How to Grow and Care for Cyclamen, the Winter Blooming Beauty

Popular blooming plants like cyclamen are prized for their exquisite and vibrant flowers. It is an excellent complement to any indoor or outdoor setting and is rather simple to grow. You can learn everything you need to know about how to grow cyclamen in this post.

How to grow cyclamen

Choose a suitable location: Choose a position that receives enough of natural light but is not directly in the line of harsh sunshine because cyclamen appreciate bright, indirect light. Additionally, they favor cool temperatures, ideally between 50 and 60 °F (10 and 15 °C).

Plant in well-draining soil: Cyclamen prefer organically rich, well-draining soil. To promote proper drainage, use potting soil that contains peat moss, perlite, or vermiculite.

Water properly: Cyclamen prefer a consistent, damp but not wet environment. When the top inch of soil feels dry to the touch, water the plant thoroughly. However, be careful not to overwater as this might result in root rot. Avoid wetting the leaves or flowers because doing so could make them decay.

Fertilize regularly: Regular fertilizing with a balanced, water-soluble fertilizer is beneficial for cyclamen. During the growing season, apply the fertilizer according to the directions on the package every 2-4 weeks.

Provide high humidity: Cyclamen prefer a lot of humidity, so add some water nearby or spritz the plant frequently to make it more humid.

Care for blooms: Pink, red, and white are just a few of the many colors that cyclamen generate in their flowers. Remove wasted flowers and fading foliage frequently to promote flowering.

Provide a dormant period: Reduce watering and fertilizer throughout the summer months when cyclamen naturally become dormant. Resuming routine maintenance when the plant starts to create new growth in the fall.

The following are necessary for cyclamen growth

  • Light: Cyclamen should be planted in an area with strong, indirect light. Windows that face east or west are good. Avoid exposure to the direct south.

  • Water: When the soil's top inch or so is dry, water cyclamen. Until the water runs out of the drainage holes at the bottom of the pot, water the area thoroughly. Cyclamen should never be left in water alone. Let the extra liquid drip out.

  • Temperature: Cooler weather is preferable to cyclamen. The ideal temperature range is 55 to 65 F. Avoid temperature extremes.

  • Repotting: Keep an eye out for cyclamen corms (bulbs), which signify overcrowding, pushing up through the ground. After flowering has been done in late spring or early summer, repot the plant one size larger. Use new soil that drains nicely and a container that is one size larger.

Can cyclamen survive an extended life?

With the right care, cyclamen plants can live for several years, although in comparison to other houseplants, their lifespan is typically viewed as being rather short. Cyclamen are perennial plants, which means they can live for many years in their native environment. However, because of the environment they are cultivated in when grown indoors as houseplants, their lifespan is frequently reduced.


Why do cyclamen blooms drop off?

Age, excessive watering, low humidity, temperature stress, a lack of light, and a lack of fertilizer are the main causes of the cyclamen flower's fading. If you address any problematic factors, your cyclamen should blossom profusely.

Final Thought

Cyclamen may provide you with months of enjoyment if the appropriate circumstances are met. Put them in a location with plenty of light, and water when the top inch of soil is dry, fertilize during the height of development, report them if necessary, and give them the summer to rest. Your cyclamen will flourish and bloom if you follow these suggestions!

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